Friday, June 19, 2009

Leavin' Cartagena, which by the way is not the real Colombia

Did some last minute fact checking. The cat´s name at Gato Negro Restaurant is Pook.
Dog´s name is Pepita.

Other than that, goin to Minca tomorrow. After that Tayrona National Park. Gonna sleep in a hammock with the snakes, bugs and skeeto´s. Should have some nice pix, but won´t upload for another week or two. Oh yeah, the Tayrona beaches are s'posed to be spectacular, probably a lot better than the glossy, hi-rise crapola at Playa Bocagrande in Cartagena.


Unknown said...

not the real columbia? where are you then?

Unknown said...

Here is a link to some absolutely gorgeous pictures of Tayrona Beach----they are SOOOOO amazing and beautiful. This is from another travel journal and there were pictures of the people sleeping in the outdoor hammock shelters WOW I mean it really is beautiful! They said its so hot that that is the only way people sleep there but it was plain to see that the beaches were unspoiled and gorgeous! So amazing Where will you be eating?

This is the link!

Unknown said...

Yeah but I bet Tayrona beach cannot hold a candle to the place that we are going to meet in in Greensboro!